At WGBC we believe that prayer is vital to our spiritual growth, that God loves to listen to us and still answers prayer today.
Sunday@9.30 is an opportunity for the church to come together to pray together.
Everyone is invited.
We spend half an hour praying for the world, our local community, our church life and our journey with God and anything else that needs prayer.
Hot/cold drinks are available at 10am prior to the morning service at 10.30am
Our prayer room is available to anyone using our building during the week, either attending one of our church activities or attending any of our hirers activities.
The room is a quiet place to take a moment to focus on God and to listen to him.
Resource are available to help you with prayer if you wish to use them.
There is a prayer board for your prayer request.
Any requests left on the board are included in our prayer at various times during the week.
Prayer is available for anyone wanting it after our Sunday Services.
Our prayer team and our Minister are available – please just ask.
If you would like prayer at any other time, please contact us.